Chrome OS beta available for download (not by Google)

imageThis just in via Gizmodo. Chrome OS is now available for download as a Beta version. It isn’t the official Google version, but it’s worth a shot if you’re into Linux, netbooks and Chrome browser. It also provides a lot more desktop apps than expected from the official Google Chrome OS.

Here’s some information from the Chrome OS webpage:

2009-10-21: New Chrome OS 0.4.223 beta is available now!

Chrome OS is a brand new free operating system built around the revolutionary Google Chrome browser.

The project aim is to provide a lightweight Linux distribution for the best web browsing experience.

Featured software in Chrome OS:

  • GNOME 2.24 desktop environment
  • Google Chrome 4.0.223 web browser
  • Google Picasa 2.7 photo manager New!
  • 3.0 office suite
  • GIMP 2.6 image editor
  • Flash Player 10.0 plugin
  • and much more!

System requirements of Chrome OS:

  • Processor: Intel Pentium, Xeon or newer; AMD Duron, Athlon, Sempron, Opteron or newer
  • RAM: min. 256 MB
  • Hard disk: min. 1 GB
  • Graphics card: supports most modern graphics cards


It’s available as a free virtual appliance as well as a live CD image. So, give it a shot while you wait for the real deal to be delivered and let us know how it goes! You can also give these Google Chrome OS alternative operating systems.


About the Author

Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


  1. Pingback: Chrome OS beta available for download (not by Google … beta club
  2. Pingback: Descargar Google Chrome OS Beta | El Maxi Geek...!!

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