Dutch watchdog fines Apple $5.5 million for the 9th time over dating app payment methods

Apple has been fined $5.5 million by the Dutch antitrust authority for the ninth time over allowing alternative payment methods on dating apps.


Acting on a complaint filed by Match Group, Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) launched an investigation against Apple’s in-app purchases system and if it limits users’ choice. Later, the ACM found the tech giant guilty and ordered it to allow alternative payment methods for dating apps in the Netherlands.

In January this year, Apple announced that it will comply with ACM’s new requirements and introduced two ways to permit third-party payment options for dating apps until its filed appeal is decided by the higher court. Although the tech giant has submitted proposals to resolve the issue, the unsatisfied ACM continues to impose weekly fines worth 5 million euros ($5.7 million).

Apple’s new proposal was rejected by the Dutch antitrust watchdog

Reuters reports that Apple’s sent proposal sent to the Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) was sent on Monday, March 21 and without disclosing the terms of the proposal, the authority levied another heavy fine on the tech giant.

The Dutch antitrust watchdog said Apple had sent it “new proposals” on Monday to try to resolve a long-running dispute over the company’s failure to make it possible for dating app developers to use non-Apple payment methods in the Netherlands.

The Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) did not disclose Apple’s proposed remedy, and said it had imposed a 5 million euro ($5.5 million) fine on the company, the ninth such weekly penalty Apple has received in the dispute since January.


Previously, Apple’s Chief Compliance Officer Kyle Andeer wrote to ACM on February 28, stating that its proposed solution required a minor technical change with no additional costs and asked to resolve the issue amicably.

The letter argued it is common practice for developers to modify their software to comply with law in various jurisdictions.

“I understand that currently we have a difference of opinion that may ultimately have to be resolved by a court. I hope we can find a mutually agreeable solution that will allow us to move past this issue.”

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Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.

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