Facebook Releases Messenger App for iPhone, iPod and iPad

As smartphones begin to advance more and more, we rely on them in our daily lives more than ever. Instant communication is a necessity in human interaction, with most of it being digital now a days. So what else could you ask for then a new Facebook messenger application? The application allows you to easily send a quick message to a friend or colleague and let’s them reply using the same app, just as quick.

The new app is completely separate from the Facebook app that you are already used to. Messages are then delivered with notifications or texts, so your friends can reply immediately. You can use Messenger for not only your Facebook friends, but you can also reach the contacts on your phone. The app keeps track of all your Facebook messages in one place, including your texts, chats, emails, and messages.

The app also allows you to coordinate with groups. So if you want to coordinate a meetup with a bunch of friends, you can message them all with a quick group conversation and send a message to them all at once. You can also add your location, so your friends can see where you are on a map. You can even attach photos to the chat so friends can see and comment on what you are looking at.

The new messenger app is available in the App Store as a free download. You can also download it here.

About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.


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