iPhone 14 new Emergency SOS via Satellite saves a stranded man in Alaska

With the release of iOS 16.1, Apple rolled out the new Emergency SOS via Satellite feature which is designed to allow iPhone 14 users to contact emergency services via satellite connectivity when Wi-Fi and Cellular networks are not available.

After launch, the feature was put to test in Alaska for the first time in real life by a man stranded in the Bucolic area and it saved his life.

iPhone 14 iOS 16.1 Emergency SOS via Satellite

iPhone 14 Emergency SOS via Satellite saves a man’s life in real life

As per the Department of Public Safety report, an Alaska State trooper received an alert from an adult male who had been stranded during his trip from Noorvik to Kotzebue in a snow machine in the morning on December 1, 2022. Stuck in a remote and cold area with no connectivity, the man used the Emergency SOS via satellite on his iPhone 14 to contact emergency services.

To locate and rescue the stranded individual, the Apple Emergency Response Center, and the Northwest Arctic Borough Search and Rescue Coordinator worked with local search and rescue teams. GPS coordinates provided by the Apple Emergency Response Center led NWAB SAR volunteer searchers to the Nimiuk Point area where the man had been.

iPhone 14 - apple - iOS 16.1

Fortunately, the man was rescued successfully and did not suffer any injuries. The area he was found in is remote and on the fringes of where satellite connectivity is available. Although, Apple says that satellite connectivity might not work in places over 62° Latitude, such as northern parts of Canada, and Alaska, luckily it did in Noorvik and Kotzebue which are close to 69° latitude.

Emergency SOS Satellite is available for all iPhone 14 users, it can be used in any emergency situation that occurs when there’s no internet connection available. The feature is free to use for 2 years, and Apple has not provided details of how much the ongoing cost will be. Satellite connectivity is currently available in North America and Canada but will expand to other regions soon.

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