Comex, the genius behind JailbreakMe and Spirit jailbreak has recently published a video showing an iPad 2 jailbroken on iOS 4.3. He hasn’t given up much such as an ETA for its public release, though he has clearly hinted it will be packaged into the JailbreakMe 3.0 web app for execution. He replied to a user’s tweet asking about his work in progress saying it will “take some work to package it into a jailbreak”.

GUnitJC: @comex does this mean jailbreakme 3.0 is out now since you just had jailbroken the new iPad 2?
Comex: @GUnitJC No, it will take some work to package it into a jailbreak. Same deal as i0n1c.
Meanwhile, i0n1c who has been working on an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3 secretly has given an ETA for his untethered jailbreak release to be “before the next weekend”. Here is what he said:
“Because so many people are asking for an ETA:
I am pretty sure that the untether will be released before the next weekend. I was using older kernel patches that caused lagging on the jailbroken device. I will change that and then port it to the other devices and release.”
Well, it seems clear that comex will only release his work once i0n1c is finished with his untethered exploit. We’ll keep you posted once we have more updates. Stay tuned!
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