On the 10th anniversary of Steve Jobs’ death, his dear friend and colleague Sir Jony Ives shares that his personal experience with the “remarkable man” the late Mr. Jobs was; always curious and obsessed with simplicity, truth, and purity.
In an exclusive and heartwarming interview with the WSJ, Apple former Cheif of Design Sir Jony Ives spoke on this personal relationship with the legendary Steve Jobs and misses the beautiful 15 years they spent together “not talking to each other.”
Apple’s late Founder and CEO, Mr. Jobs was inherently inquisitive and curious about ideas. Thus, remembering Mr.Jobs’ last day, Ives says that he walked out into the garden and thought “how talking often gets in the of listening and thinking. Perhaps this is why so much of our time together was spent quietly. I miss Steve desperately and I will always miss not talking with him.”
Sir Jony Ives shares some beautiful memories of his “closest and most loyal friend” late Steve Jobs on his 10th death anniversary
Ives confesses that he doesn’t think about Mr.Jobs’ death but thinks of Steve every day. He recalls the bond of friendship he had with his “inquisitive” boss, a bond which has gotten stronger with his wife and kids now, and says that the afternoons spent with Mr. Jobs in the design studio were “some of the happiest, most creative and joyful times” of his life.
He loved that Mr.Jobs saw the world as profoundly beautiful and his insatiable curiosity united them. Sir Ives said:
He was without doubt the most inquisitive human I have ever met. His insatiable curiosity was not limited or distracted by his knowledge or expertise, nor was it casual or passive. It was ferocious, energetic and restless. His curiosity was practiced with intention and rigor.
Many of us have an innate predisposition to be curious. I believe that after a traditional education, or working in an environment with many people, curiosity is a decision requiring intent and discipline.
In larger groups our conversations gravitate towards the tangible, the measurable. It is more comfortable, far easier and more socially acceptable talking about what is known.Being curious and exploring tentative ideas were far more important to Steve than being socially acceptable.
After Steve Jobs’ death, Sir Ives left Apple driven by the curiosity to learn and discover new ways he inherited from his late friend. “It is Steve’s powerful motivation that informed the name of my next adventure, LoveFrom.” It is refreshing to know about the real man the late Steve Jobs was, not just the ambitious and visionary CEO of Apple.
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