Microsoft Bing leaps to the top of App Store after ChatGPT integration announced

Microsoft Bing app and Edge browser for iOS have reached the top of the App Store charts. Just a day after Microsoft announced its new Edge browser and updated Bing search engine, which integrates the ChatGPT experience through OpenAI.

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Microsoft Bing app went from 160th in productivity apps to 10th most popular app among all free apps in Apple’s App Store

TechCrunch reported that Microsoft has unveiled its new OpenAI-based artificial intelligence in its Edge browser and Bing search has taken the interest of users.

The Bing app was previously ranked 160th in productivity apps and wasn’t even on Apple’s list at all for the overall free app chart and now analytics from see global downloads for the app gone up 10x overnight, as seen by TechCrunch.

This made the Bing app the 10th most popular app among all free apps in Apple’s App Store and it became the second most popular free productivity app behind Gmail. Meanwhile, Edge browser for iOS is now the number three app in the utility category.

Microsoft Bing and Edge

Microsoft seemingly gives users who download the Bing app or set Bing as their search default on a PC priority. The company says “millions” of people on the waitlist will be invited to try the new AI integration “over the next few weeks.”

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