As per a new report, Apple is on track to upgrade its MacBook Pro and iPad lineup with OLED displays in the future. Apple display supplier Samsung is in the early stages of a new production process for OLED display that is expected to be used in the 2022 MacBook Pro models.
Samsung will supply OLED screens for Apple’s 2022 MacBook Pro
Starting with Apple Watch in 2015, and iPhone X in 2017, the Cupertino tech giant has expanded the use of OLED displays in all iPhone 12 models. According to a report by The Elec, Samsung Display has begun working on a new production process for OLED displays. As per the report, this new production process will be used by the Cupertino tech giant for future OLED MacBook models.
Apple’s OLED panel order for those that it plans to use on its iPads launching in 2022 and 2023 are not being, but Cupertino is planning to launch OLED notebooks later as well, so Samsung Display is preparing for this, the person said.
A previous report by DigiTimes claimed that the first device to come with an OLED panel is likely to be a 10.9-inch iPad, set to begin volume production in the fourth quarter of 2021, slated for official release in 2022. The same report stated that Apple is planning on adopting OLED panels for its 12.9-inch iPad Pro and 16- to 17-inch MacBook Pro variants, also scheduled to launch in the same year.
Apple released a new iPad Pro with a mini-LED display in 2021 and is expected to launch redesigned 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pros with similar display technology soon. This would allow Apple to utilize different display technologies within their respective lineups. OLED display technology is more advanced than the current LCD display technology used in iPad and MacBook Pro models. OLED panels are lighter and thinner and emit visible light, ideal for low light conditions.
The report’s claim that Apple will also adopt the display technology in iPad Pro and MacBook Pro models is corroborated by reports for Barclays analysts and TF Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo.
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