Part Numbers for New MacBook Airs and New Mac Pros Leaked… Release Imminent!

We have all heard the rumors of the new MacBook Air’s and the new Mac Pro’s being released very soon, and with this recent Part Number leak, we can expect to be seeing them very soon. (like this week!)

MacBook Air.png

Sources are showing 4 new part numbers for the newest MacBook Air Model, with two 11 inch and two 13 inch laptops being released. The updates to the new Airs will be Sandy Bridge Processors as well as ThunderBolt connectivity.


The newest Mac Pro is also rumored to include Sandy Bridge and ThunderBolt, as well as a redisigned enclosure that is narrower and possibly rack mountable. A Mac Pro Server Model is also said to debut with the new Mac Pro’s.


These are scheduled to be released with Lion this Thursday, July 14th. All signs are pointing to this date. Stay tuned here for up to date information about the new release.

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[via iclarified]

About the Author

David is a Systems Engineer by day and a Competitive Triathlete on the weekends. He is an avid Apple fan who also loves everything Google. He writes on everything and loves to share news with fellow techies.

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