Twitter introduces new Share Tweet menu on iOS

Today, Twitter has released a new ‘Share Tweet’ feature on iOS devices. The feature will allow users to easily and quickly share tweets on third-party apps. The social media platform began testing of the Share Tweet menu in August. The update is released for users worldwide.

Recently, Twitter has introduced many new features to improve users’ experience on the platform. To restrict harassment and bullying on its service, Twitter rolled out an anti-troll feature on iOS which gave users control over who can reply to their tweets.


New Share Tweet menu on Twitter

iPhone users can now share their posted tweets on other messages, social and mail apps like Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Snapchat, Gmail, and others. This feature brings ease to users by eliminating extra-steps when sharing tweets on third-party platforms.

How to use the new Share Tweet menu

  1. Compose a tweet and post it on the platform
  2. To share on other apps, open the selected tweet and tap on the share icon
  3. In the new share tweet menu, tap on the desired service you want to share your tweet on. The default app options are Messages, WhatsApp, Messenger, Gmail, and iOS native Mail app. Twitter
  4. Like previously, tap on the ‘Share via’ icon to access other apps and services to share your message on.
  5. The new share interface also lets you share the selected tweet in Direct Message, add it to your Bookmark, and copy link.

In the comments, users have left a positive response to the new feature. Having said that, some are still asking for the ‘edit’ button which has been demanded by masses for some time now. The company used that opportunity, wittily, to encourage people to wear a mask in the COVID-19 pandemic and get the edit button, which unfortunately did not go as hoped for.

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About the Author

Addicted to social media and in love with iPhone, started blogging as a hobby. And now it's my passion for every day is a new learning experience. Hopefully, manufacturers will continue to use innovative solutions and we will keep on letting you know about them.

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