Spotify, Epic, Tile, and others form a ‘Coalition for App Fairness’ to challenge Apple’s 30% App Tax

Several prominent app developers have gathered to form the ‘Coalition for App Fairness’ against Apple. It is a non-profit organization seeking to highlight issues developers face when developing for Apple’s App Store.

The Coalition for App Fairness is comprised of many developers currently involved in high-profile disputes with Apple, as well as many who have been critical of the tech giant in the past. The coalition formed at a time when the Cupertino tech company is undergoing multiple antitrust investigations, both in the United States and abroad.


Major Developers form a coalition to challenge  App Store tax

Complaints listed against the Cupertino tech giant include “carefully crafted anti-competitive policies”, a 30% “App Tax” and “No consumer freedom”. The group states:

“Apple uses its control of the iOS operating system to favor itself by controlling the products and features that are available to consumers. Apple requires equipment manufacturers to limit options, forces developers to sell through its App Store, and even steals ideas from competitors.”


Their website also highlights the fact that the tech giant makes more than $15 billion a year from its 30% app commission fee.

“We believe that every app developer is entitled to fair treatment and that every consumer should have complete control over their own device. Our App Store Principles will ensure a level playing field for platforms like Apple and a consistent standard of conduct across the app ecosystem,” the website reads. “The 10 principles outlined include that every developer should always have the right to communicate directly with its users through its app for legitimate business purposes and that no app store should charge unreasonable or excessive fees.”

The ten principles mentioned include many suggestions heard before like decentralization of app hosting, prevention of self-preferential practices, and lowering the company’s commission cuts.

Included in the founding member list are developers like Epic Games, Spotify, and Tile. All three are development teams that have been leading the charge against Apple’s behavior toward developers.


Other members include Basecamp, Blix, Blockchain, Deezer, European Publishers Council, Match, News Media Europe, Prepare, ProtonMail, and SkyDemon. The coalition is currently asking more developers to support its message.

About the Author

Asma is an editor at iThinkDifferent with a strong focus on social media, Apple news, streaming services, guides, mobile gaming, app reviews, and more. When not blogging, Asma loves to play with her cat, draw, and binge on Netflix shows.