iOS 9 beta 5 for developers and the third public beta for all users has been released by Apple. The new releases come with bug fixes, performance improvements and multiple changes through out the operating system. The new builds are available to download for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
The new iOS 9 developer build is labelled 13A4325c. One of the main features of the release is the inclusion of 15 new wallpapers, CarPlay improvements, new shift and backspace keys in keyboard, changes in settings app and tons of bug fixes. Complete change log is below, thanks to MacRumors forums:
- New wallpapers (and some older wallpapers removed)
- New option to disable shake to undo
- New Regulatory section in General Settings
- Added option to use “Wi-Fi Assist” in Cellular settings to “automatically use cellular data when Wi-Fi connectivity is poor”.
- Cellular settings pane is called Mobile Data for certain users (as it is normally in UK English)
- New shift key and backspace key
- CarPlay now better supports Beats 1 and Music features including ‘liking’ tracks, artwork is also displayed differently behind the controls than with previous versions of iOS
- Keyboard shortcuts now called “Text Replacements” within Keyboard settings
- Page forward in Safari back to usual gesture (swipe left)
- Move file in iCloud app now work fine. Before only possible to move into the root.
- WiFi Calling section in Phone settings for AT&T & Sprint users
- Shuffle all option restored in Music app
- New animation when turning off WiFi (icon in status bar first fades to gray then disappears)
- Picture in Picture can now be pushed off screen, an arrow is available to bring it back into frame
- App Store and iTunes Store section in Settings now labeled “App and iTunes Stores”
- New splash screen for Calendar’s Proactive features
- New ‘Pause Spoken Audio’ option in Map’s Navigation voice
- iBooks now displays chapter titles of multi-MP3 audiobooks
- When headphone jack is plugged in, “audio connection” replaces previous “headphone jack insert” description
The best thing about the new updates is that general performance such as app launching and switching is vastly improved over the previous releases. It is still not at the iOS 8 or iOS 7 level yet but as Apple had committed to better performance on older iOS devices, expect even better performance in next releases.
The public beta release has also been bumped up to version 3 and contains the same updates.
You can also download the new wallpapers from iOS 9 from here.
If you are already using one of these betas, check out Settings > General > Software Update on your iOS device and download the OTA update. New developers can also download the update via Apple Developer Center. Those looking to get access to the public beta can sign up on Apple’s website for public beta software program and download and install the new OS.
Wallpapers download link via Reddit, via RedmondPie
Read next: iOS 9 GM update available for developers
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