The newly launched M1 Mac mini has placed Apple in number 1 position in the Japanese PC market. A report by BCN Ranking states that since the release of the new Apple Silicon Mac mini, the Cupertino tech giant has jumped from number 3 to number 1 spot. The report is based on aggregates of the actual sales data of personal computers, digital home appliances, home electronics mass retailers and online shops in Japan.
Apple announced the first-generation M1 Mac models during its November 10 “One more thing” event. Since the launch of Apple Silicon Macs, positive reviews have been pouring in, praising the computer’s fast performance, incredible battery life and most important of all, their pocket friendly price tag: M1 Mac mini starting at $699, M1 MacBook Air starting at $999 and M1 MacBook Pro starts at $1,299.
M1 Mac Mini takes Apple to #1 Spot in Japanese PC market
Analyzing the sales volume of the top four companies in the desktop computers market in Japan, it was revealed that Apple was in 3rd position during the period from August 1 to November 3 with 15% share. However, the situation changed by November 17 after the launch of M1 Mac mini and the company’s shares were recorded at 27.1 percent. The report states that,
We will look at the changes in the volume share of the top four companies in the desktop PC market by manufacturer from the period from August 1st (8 / 3-8 / 9) to November 3rd (11 / 16-11 / 22), 2020. Until the 2nd week of November (11 / 9-11 / 15), Apple ‘s volume share by manufacturer remained around 15.0%. He was fighting for 3rd place with Lenovo Japan . However, on November 17, Mac new model of mini del situation is completely changed in the wake of the launch, by manufacturer quantity share recorded the 27.1 percent, exceeded 14.4 points the previous week.
The new Mac mini, which became the driving force for gaining the top share, is equipped with the first Apple chipset “M1”. It has been talked about that it has high performance despite its low price.
Although M1 is the first of Apple Silicon chipsets in the Macs’ 2 years transition phase, it is a very powerful one and has taken everyone by surprise. Built on 5nm process, the first-generation Apple Silicon has an 8 core CPU, 8-core GPU and a Neural Engine with a unified memory.
All M1 Mac models can be purchased from Apple Stores or online.
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