Apple fixes PDF Flaw with iOS 4.0.2 for iPhone and iOS 3.2.2 for iPad Releases

The rumors were correct! Apple has released iOS 4.0.2 for iPhone and iOS 3.2.2 for iPad which fixes the PDF security flaw that allowed JailbreakMe to work. As always, don’t upgrade if you want to keep your jailbreak until we get word from the community.iOSSoftwareUpdate

The PDF flaw existed for all iOS devices which let JailbreakMe be so simple and easy. JailbreakMe used the vulnerability to hack into the device and allow Cydia to install. While JailbreakMe used this vulnerability, a layer of security was also provided via Cydia called “PDF Loading Warner” which acted as a user account control and asked every time a PDF file was opened.

Here are the download links for those interested in updating:

hat tip to Redmond Pie

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Technology enthusiast, Internet addict, photography fan, movie buff, music aficionado.


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