A reputable leaker has shared the release date of the upcoming iPhone 12. Tech analyst and Apple leaker, @Jon Prosser claims that October 12 is the scheduled date for the release and preorder bookings of the latest flagship iPhone for consumers.
Last month at the company’s Q3 2020 earnings call, Apple’s CFO Luca Maestri confirmed the delay of the upcoming smartphone. He said,
“As you know, last year we started selling iPhones in late September. This year, we expect supply to be available a few weeks later.”
An official statement on an upcoming product is very unusual from Apple, for the company maintains the utmost secrecy over every aspect of development, release, or delay of its devices and services. Although Maestri did not explain the reasons behind the delay, reports from tech analysts and suppliers quoted disruptions in the supply chain due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a delay in the production of the latest iPhone series.
iPhone 12 on October 12
As per Prosser’s tweet, Apple will announce the new iPhone 12 series on October 12 at an event and the base models of the series will be available for preorder on the same day with a week’s delivery time. However, the iPhone 12 Pro models will available for preorder in November, a month after the launch. He did not mention an exact date claims because, due to uncertain production timeframe, he believes that the date of the Pro models is likely to “slip/change”.
New, adjusted Apple dates!
Apple Watch & iPad
– Via press release
– Week 37 w/c Sep 7iPhone 12 event
– Week 42 w/c Oct 12iPhone 12 devices
– Preorders week 42 w/c Oct 12
– Shipping week 43 w/c Oct 19iPhone 12 Pro devices
– Preorder and shipping in Nov (no exact date yet)— Jon Prosser (@jon_prosser) August 12, 2020
In the tweet, Prosser also gave a release date of the new Apple Watch Series 6 and an iPad (did not mention the model) on the same day, September 7 via a press release. With his share of miscalculated products’ leaks, he claims to have never gotten a release date wrong. He wrote,
“Reminder: though my overall track record is around 80%, I’ve never actually gotten a product announcement date wrong…”
Recently, Prosser was spot on with announcement time of the new 27-inch iMac.
iPhone 12 Expected Features
Reports claim that Apple has redesigned the new flagship series with 2020 iPad Pro design language, improved camera and speaker, smaller notch, OLED display, and more. The line-up will have four models with 5G support in Pro variants;
Here is a video on the concept design of the new iPhone by @EverythingApplePro.
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