iPhone 13 ultra wide camera improvements confirmed by Kuo

iPhone 13’s ultra wide camera improvements have been reconfirmed by Ming-Chi Kuo, just a few days after an investor’s note by Barclays analysts suggested a similar upgrade. The new upgraded ultra wide camera will provide significantly better low light performance thanks to its 7p lens, which means that it will have 7 optical parts.

Kuo has attributed this upcoming upgrade to tougher competition between Apple’s lens suppliers. A Chinese supplier, Sunny Optical, has been able to pass Apple’s verification for 5P lens for iPad, and expects to supply ultra wide 7P lens for iPhone 13 later this year.

iPhone 13 camera

iPhone 13 ultra wide camera improvements are likely, due to competition between Apple’s suppliers

This new note by Kuo mostly focuses on the lens suppliers, and how their production for iPad and iPhone lens will be split this year, Last month, Kuo had shared in a note that iPhone 13 Pro models will get ultra wide lens with fast f1.8 aperture, which should help them perform really well in low light, as well as autofocus. Currently, the ultra wide lens in iPhone 12 Pro does not feature autofocus and has a slow f2.4 aperture which performs poorly in low light conditions. The same specifications were shared by Barclay’s analysts, however, they speculate that all iPhone 13 models will get this ultra wide lens upgrade, instead of just the Pro models.

Other camera improvements rumored to be part of iPhone 13 Pro include sensor-shift optical image stabilization, and periscope zoom lens. However, the periscope zoom lens has not yet been confirmed by any reliable sources. Ming-Chi Kuo has reported before that iPhone 13 will not feature significant camera upgrades, so periscope zoom might be reserved as a feature for future iPhones.

iPhone 13 is also expected to ship with WiFi 6E, smaller soft board batteries, LPTO OLED displays for power efficiency, and vapor chamber cooling. Apple might also ship iPhone 13 with mmWave 5G in more countries this year.

via MacRumors

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