Mark Zuckerberg appears on Oprah; Discusses Startup:Education

Mark Zuckerberg was in Chicago on September 25 to be on “Oprah” show talking about his education  foundation which will cost a 100 million dollars. The foundation’s aim is to improve education in the United States which will start with Newark school system. New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan and NJ Mayor Cory Booker joined the talk show as well.

In addition, Zuckerberg commented on his movie “The Social Network” saying “it won’t be that dramatic since I know my own life, though it must be fun”.

Zuckerberg writes on his Startup: Education Facebook Page

I believe in the Mayor and his vision, and that’s why I want to help them succeed. Using my own Facebook stock, I’m creating the Startup: Education foundation with over $100 million to invest in educating and improving the lives of young people. I’m also challenging others who want to improve education in America to match my contributions.

As a part of the episode, the show played a short clip from Zuckerberg’s daily life in his office and house, and Oprah’s cameras were the only ones were allowed to enter those places. They also showed Zuckerberg ‘s girlfriend.


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